For over 3 years, Wilos Painting and it’s owner Wilmer Suquisupa have been serving Westchester County, NY with their excellent service and professionalism. He leads a team of highly experienced painters and contractors to ensure each job is completed in a timely manner while exceeding his clients’ expectations. Whatever the size of the job, we are more than capable of handling it.
Wilos Painting values our clients’ time as we know it’s value. Every job we complete is done as quickly as possible while still maintaining our professional quality. Additionally, we only hire painters with years of experience to ensure each job is professionally handled. Throughout each contract we ensure a safe work environment to not only protect our employees, but also our clients.
Wilos Painting maintains an exceptional attention to detail that results in a high quality job performance. We communicate promptly and often throughout the project’s term to ensure you remain satisfied. Additionally, we offer reasonable rates and excellent customer service. We are always willing to discuss any questions or concerns our clients’ may have. Our clients are never disappointed.
Here at Wilos Painting we offer a wide array of painting and finishing services in a variety of settings. Not only do we provide exterior painting, but also interior. We handle both residential and commercial jobs. Also, we offer deck staining and sealing. Additionally, we offer power washing and general carpentry. Our full-service painters and contractors can paint, stain, or seal many different types of surfaces
Not every painting company is equivalent, but Wilos Painting stands way above the rest. Our commitment to excellence and providing exceptional service remains obvious among our competitors. Located right here in Peekskill, NY we serve all of Westchester County. Fully licensed and insured, we should be your only choice for your painting needs. Contact us today for an estimate.
12 Trolley Rd, Cortlandt Manor NY 10567.
(914) 266-8392
Licence # WC-27886 H-15
PC # PC6392